Celebrate Star Wars Day With These New Solo Images
Every May 4th we join in the global celebration of Star Wars day. Today, we get to do it in style—with new images from Ron Howard’s Solo: A Star Wars Story. There’s been a wonderful glut of Solo material this week, including this awesome video revealing how big of a diva Chewie is, Ron Howard giving Star Wars: A New Hope the Arrested Development treatment, and a tour of the Millennium Falcon with none other than Lando Calrissian himself. And now, to end the week, we get Star Wars Day. Folks, there’s no better day to be a Star Wars fan than on May 4th, and for that reason (and many more), we’re delighted to share these new Solo photos with you.
First, for the uninitiated, a brief history of why today is Star Wars day: The apocryphal story is that the first reference came on May 4, 1979, the day Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Stay with us. The story goes that her political party, the Conservatives, took out an ad in the London Evening News that read “May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations.” The Brits have always been clever wordsmiths (see: Shakespeare, William), yet by all accounts, this advertisement has never resurfaced online.
Yet Star Wars day has lived on. And on. And on. And is now celebrated across the globe. You test your Star Wars knowledge, get some sweet Jedi swag at a baseball game, check out new Star Wars: Forces of Destiny content on Disney’s YouTube channel, take up Chewie’s challenge and roar for a good cause, and a whole lot more. It’s Star Wars day, folks, go wild. Let your inner porg shine. Or squawk. Just don’t be a Sith Lord, okay? There’s enough Sith Lord-ing going on in the real world. We need more Jedis, people. And more porgs. Etcetera.
Now, here are those Solo images as promised, which give us only our second glance at Thandie Newton’s mysterious character Val, a great shot of Lando (Donald Glover) at the controls of the Millennium Falcon, and Chewie (Joonas Suotamo) making good use of his fur in the snow.
Solo: A Star Wars story hits theaters on May 25.

Featured image: Joonas Suotamo is Chewbacca in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY. Courtesy Lucasfilm.