The Bone-Chilling Trailer for Jordan Peele’s Mysterious Us Has Arrived

How well do you really know yourself? Hopefully, well enough to outsmart another you if it should ever attack. This is the terrifying new premise that we didn’t even know we were afraid of until Jordan Peele made it into a nightmare. The first trailer for Us is here and it is more awesomely unsettling than we ever imagined.

Adelaide (Lupita Nyong’o) and Gabe (Winston Duke) Wilson look like loving, happy, and successful parents, but somewhere out there exists a terrible version of themselves. When their son (Evan Alex) comes upon a bloody apparition during their beach vacation, their relaxing family time dissolves into terror. Four strangers follow them home, but on further inspection, the stalkers are more familiar than they had hoped. “They’re us,” Adelaide realizes.

Peele teased before the trailer was released that he was building a monster mythology with Us. The monsters were reportedly called ‘the tethered,’ which makes much more sense now. They are tethered to the family in every way as they are just disturbing versions of themselves. They seem to be relentless and have sinister intent and the Wilson family don’t seem to be the only victims. The trailer shows their friend (Elisabeth Moss) being tortured too.

Peele’s directorial debut Get Out was a twisted and strikingly original story. Us has the same potential by introducing an entirely new scare tactic.”We are our own worst enemies,” the trailer warns. With enough cunning, you can outrun most monsters, but what chance do the Wilson’s have in battling themselves?

Nyong’o, Duke, and Moss are among the greatest talent we have and it is becoming apparent why Peele recruited them for this project. Not only will they each play victims, but also their own tormenters. There’s a shot in the trailer of imposter Adelaide that is already going to haunt me.

Of course, the trailer features those metal scissors that have haunted us since the poster debut. Will the scissors be used to torture or free the family from their attackers? The fake family seems to be in the red cloaks that appear on the poster, so we have our bets on the tool being something to fear.

Us begins its reign of terror in theaters March 15.

Featured Image: “Us.” Courtesy of Universal Pictures. 


Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.