Production Incentives


Film, television, and streaming productions create high-paying jobs, support local businesses, and provide an immediate boost to the local economy.

In the United States, the motion picture industry supports 2.74 million jobs and works with more than 240,000 businesses in communities across the country. When a movie films on location, it adds over $670,000 every day to the local economy. Big budget productions add $1.3 million on average to the local economy every day of filming. Productions also lead to infrastructure development and increased tourism.

States throughout the country offer production incentive programs to attract and sustain a vibrant film, television, and streaming industry. Study after study shows that these programs are working exactly as intended and ensure short-term and long-term economic benefits for those communities.

Learn more about Production Incentives in:

Research Reports

New York State Film Industry Public Opinion Research

A poll of 615 likely voters in New York State found 78% of New Yorkers support tax incentives to keep TV and film production companies in the Empire State.
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Economic Impact of NCIS: Hawai'i Season Two

Across 2022–23, production of Season Two of NCIS: Hawai‘i resulted in total direct spending in the state of approximately $79.4 million.
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Hawai'i Film Industry Public Opinion Research

The findings demonstrate Hawai‘i residents’ awareness and support of the film industry and policies used to incentivize the industry to operate in Hawai‘i.
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Economic Impact Study of Georgia’s Entertainment Industry Tax Credit

Report for Georgia Screen Entertainment Coalition by Olsberg-SPI
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Georgia's Film Industry: A Blockbuster Success for the State

Every $1 in Film Tax Incentives Generates a Return on Investment of $6.30 in Economic Impact for the State of Georgia
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Global Incentives Index 2023

The current status of automatic national, state and province-level incentives are profiled in detail.
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New York State Post-Production Ecosystem

Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis
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Economic and Fiscal Impact of the New York State Film Tax Credit Program: 2021-2022

REMI conducted an analysis of New York State Film Tax Credit Program after submitting a bid through a RFP process in 2022 and subsequently being chosen.
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New York State Post-Production Tax Credit Impacts

Thanks to the PPC, the post-production ecosystem has added jobs at a higherrate than New York economy as a whole.
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Impact of the Georgia Film Tax Credit

Information reported has improved, but credit has not been capped
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The Economic Contributions of the Film Industry in Montana: The Production of Yellowstone

Since the enactment of the Montana Economic Development Industry Advancement (MEDIA) Act on July 1, 2019, there has been a 70 percent increase in content production from ten years ago.
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Economic Impact of the Utah Film Production Tax Credit

A Study for the Motion Picture Association of Utah by Olsberg-SPI
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Economic Impact of the New Mexico Film Production Tax Credit

A Study for the New Mexico Film Office by Olsberg
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Economic Impact of the Film Industry in New York State, 2019 & 2020

New York offers tax incentives to encourage the growth of the film industry in the state through two separate programs: the Film Production Credit and the Post-Production Credit.
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Global Screen Production – The Impact of Film and Television Production on Economic Recovery from COVID-19

A Study by Olsberg-SPI
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June 2020

A report to the New York Production Alliance
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Economic & Fiscal Impacts of the New York State Television & Motion Picture Production Incentive Program

New York State’s inherent strengths make it optimally suited to embrace innovation, accessibility & adaptability in the face of a shifting global competitive landscape.
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Production Impact

Every day in every state, millions of people go to work at jobs supported by the motion picture industry. Some are actors, directors, producers. Others are costume designers, makeup artists, composers, and animators. And some are caterers, lighting technicians, or construction workers.

Each of them has a story to tell. And the story behind the greatest movies and series is theirs. It is about economic growth, creativity, and the benefits that come from this American industry. Enjoy a few highlights of how productions impact the communities where they film: