NYCC: A New Mortal Engines Trailer Reveals a Surprising Connection Between Hester and Valentine

A new Mortal Engines trailer dropped today at New York Comic Con and it gives us a look at what the world was like before civilization collapsed. Oceans were roaring and crystal blue, sunlight was golden and flowers grew. People even flew in personal aircraft and were free to roam about the land. It’s a stark contrast to the industrial metal cities that emerged.

Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar) and her mother, Pandora (Caren Pistorius), appear to have once been friendly with the film’s villain, Thaddeus Valentine (Hugo Weaving). Pandora appears to have been an amateur archaeologist, digging up relics from the past. One day, she recovered something more valuable than she bargained for and Valentine broke bad.

Similar to the first trailer, Hester is somehow uniquely situated at the center of human destiny. Valentine and his goonies are out for blood, including a new character who seems to have magic glowing from within. The growling assassin appears to be the most sinister survivor.

Luckily, there is someone on Hester’s side who has sworn to protect her and seems extremely capable. Resistance leader Anna Fang (Jihae) has not forgotten a long ago promise made to Hester’s mother. She swore to find the young girl who has now grown to become humanity’s only hope. Together, they commit to taking down London – which is now a massive mobile city – or die trying.

The steampunk adventure is epic in scope and bursting with imagination. Based on Philip Reeves’ sci-fi novels, director Christian Rivers has built a complicated and fascinating world. The post-apocalyptic tones feel fresh and imaginative. What is most impressive here is the massive scale of the industrial style ‘cities’. Just living among them is dangerous. Large mashing cogs and wheels spin constantly and are susceptible to fires. Partially advance and partially antiquated, seeing the action play out on these roaming structures looks particularly striking. We will be rooting for Hester to survive and rebuild the thriving world the way it was before

Mortal Engines comes to theaters December 14.

Featured Image: Featured image: A still from ‘Mortal Engines.’ Courtesy Universal Pictures.


The Credits

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