Thandie Newton Drops Hints About Her Mysterious Solo: A Star Wars Story Character

We would trade a Kyber Crystal to know more about Thandie Newton’s role in the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars film. She looks positively badass and her character is cloaked in mystery. That probably indicates the importance her role plays in the overall story arc and peaks our interest. Newton did open up to Radio Times about the role and we’re scavenging her comments for clues.

Newton plays Val, a member of Beckett’s (Woody Harrelson) crew who will become teammates with Han (Aldren Ehrenreich) and Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo). She has to be a fairly rough and tumble woman to be able to keep up with that gang. She also packs some serious heat with what appears to be a custom blaster.

“I’m the first woman of colour to have a prominent role in the Star Wars legacy,” Newton said. “There have been others with one line and Lupita Nyong’o was a computer-generated character [in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi], but you didn’t get to see the colour of her skin. I’m the first. I’m going to have a toy and everything.”

Beckett’s group is a band of outlaws, and that’s a group you can never fully trust. The trailers are already alluding to backstabbing, but we it is not yet clear where Val will land. We’re guessing it’s better to have her as a friend than an enemy, but Han has always had trouble keeping friends.

Newton is without a doubt the grit and hero of Westworld. She’s all action and is willing to make any sacrifice to get to the truth, which is also a good demeanor to have in Star Wars.

As Newton makes history on screen, the Star Wars universe is also expanding behind the camera. Victoria Mahoney was named as the first ever woman of color to hold a directing role in Star Wars. She will be the second unit director for J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: Episode IX. Women are steering Star Wars into a bright, new direction and we are 100% along for the ride.

Newton makes her Star Wars debut when Solo hits theaters May 25.

Featured Image: Thandie Newton is Val in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.


Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.