Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 Director James Gunn Answers Every Possible Question you Have

There are few directors out there who seem to enjoy using social media more than James Gunn. The director of Guardians of the Galaxy and the sequel, Vol 2.took to his Facebook page to answer every possible question you might have about the sequel. We've picked out some of our favorites below, but for the full breadth of Gunn's exhaustive answers, we suggest you go his page and read the whole post. It's pretty hilarious, while at the same time giving us some solid information about what will and won't be a part of Vol 2.

Here goes:


Answers to questions I'm asked constantly – for those of you who have been around a while, this might be very boring – I'll just try to link back here from now on –

Is Vin Diesel doing baby Groot's voice?


How the hell is that gonna happen? Vin's voice is deep.

Vin is an actor and capable of doing many voices. His Carol Channing is famous in Hollywood.

When's the first trailer coming out?

Does "before Christmas" work for you?


If you had to do one DC movie what would you do?

You guys are obsessed with this question. I don't know. My answer changes all the time. Shazam. Metal Men. Swamp Thing. Doom Patrol. Batgirl (Cassandra Cain version). Or something else.

Are you going to do Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?

I have not yet made up my mind. Let me get through this one first! That said, I have a desire to do other things.

What's your favorite Marvel movie, outside of Guardians?

Iron Man.

What? It's not Avengers?


Wait a second. What about Winter Soldier?

It's really Iron Man.

Fine. When is The Belko Experiment, the movie you wrote and produced, being released?

Stay tuned over the next few weeks.

Where the hell did Star-Lord get batteries for his Walkman?

They've mastered space travel, I think they can figure out how to power a Walkman.

How did he stay alive without a mask when he saved Gamora out in space?

He blew all the air out of his lungs. You can stay alive in outer space for a short while if you don't have air in your lungs. The scene is in slow-motion, so it's longer than it seems. AND Rocket clearly says there's some atmosphere outside of Knowhere – just because there's no gravity doesn't mean there's zero atmosphere.

Haha that's not science.

It is science.

Well, who chooses the songs for the Guardians soundtracks?

I do.

At what point in the process do you choose the songs?

They're decided upon at the screenplay stage, and I write them into the script. We get all of the rights to the songs before we start shooting.


Can you PLEASE give us a hint to one of the songs in Vol. 2?

Sure. Two songs played in the San Diego Comic-Con footage: Fleetwood Mac's "The Chain" and Jay and the Americans' "Come a Little Bit Closer." Does that mean they're in the movie? Maybe.

Has the big Easter egg from Vol. 1 been found yet?


Is Thanos a big part of Vol. 2?

Thanos is not in Vol. 2.

So he's only in like one or two scenes?

No, he's not in any of it.

Does he get up from the chair?

He's not in the movie, so he doesn't really get up or not get up from the chair.

Why didn't Karen Gillan cut her hair for the role of Nebula this time around?

Advances in prosthetics allowed us to glue down her hair flat enough that she didn't look like a conehead in the makeup. And she did shave the back of her head and the underside.

How much of a story did Marvel Studios give you when you were started writing Vol. 2?

Nothing. The film, story, and character arcs are all mine.

Wait a second. How do you know where the characters are going if the MCU is all connected?

Fortunately, the Guardians are somewhat outside of all that, so they have complete freedom. At least at this point. Of course any stories afterwards will have to make do with whatever happened in Vol. 2.

Please tell me the Guardians are going to meet up with the Avengers in Infinity Wars?/Please tell me the Guardians are going to stay separate from the MCU?

You seem to be asking for two different things.

Are there any Avengers in Vol. 2?


What's your favorite movie of all time?

Once Upon a Time in the West, The Godfather I and II, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are all up there.

What's your favorite movie of the year?

So far? Green Room. And I found Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping hilarious.

How long after Vol. 1 does Vol. 2 take place?

Around a couple of months.

Is baby Groot the same as Groot, or Groot's son?

It's complicated.

Does he have Groot's memories?


Does baby Groot stay baby Groot for all of Guardians Vol. 2?

Haha look at that cute thing my cat is doing.



Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.