Honestly, This new Chinese Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer is Awesome

The first question you might ask is; "Who is this young gentlemen with the lightsaber?" Meet Lu Han, a member of the Chinese-Korean K-pop group Exo, the band that gave you the rocking song "Lightsaber." Once he introduces this Chinese trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, you'll be greeted with the image of Kylo Ren's ship landing at night, and Adam Driver's voiceover saying "I'll show them the power of the darkness." It'll look like any one of the dozens of trailers that have come before, until at about a minute in when the new dialogue, footage, and sound effects starts adding up (there's a real doozy at the 1:28 mark set in an asteroid field, and the sound of the Millennium Falcon's turrets firing is both new and awesome). Honestly, at this point we won't be surprised if there's a new Ecuadorian trailer the day before the film opens (which is next Friday, folks), but this Chinese version really is a stunner. Enjoy, because really, these trailers have to stop at some point.


The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.