Charlie Manson Appears in Mindhunter‘s Season 2 Trailer

Charlie Manson briefly appears in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywoodyet his ghoulish specter hangs over the entire movie. In season two of Netflix’s excellent Mindhunters, Manson is back, and like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, he’s played by Damian Herriman. You’ll see him in a brief shot in the season two trailer which Netflix has just released. The trailer is but a minute long, yet it brings back season one’s breakout star, Cameron Britton as serial killer Ed Kemper, who once again tries to help the FBI’s odd couple Holden Ford (Jonathan Groff) and Bill Tench (Holt McCallany) as they track a new killer.

Season two will find our two detectives trying to go from playing defense to offense. In season one, they were at the vanguard of a new FBI program that sought to understand what makes serial killers tick. Using criminal and psychological profiling, Ford and Tench interviewed the mass murderers at their disposal in the prison system to try and find out why they did what they did. As glimpsed in the new trailer, season two will see them trying to track and catch these folks before they can keep killing. The series boasts Se7en and Gone Girl director David Fincher as one of the primary directors and executive producer, and is based on the real stories of the early days of FBI’s profiling and criminal psychology efforts.

Season two will also give agents Ford and Tench a new case—the Atlanta Child Murders—which were committed in that city from the middle of 1979 until May of 1981. It was a horrific crime that saw at least 28 children, adolescents and adults murdered. Returning for season two alongside Groff, McCallanny and Britton are Anna Torv, Joe Tuttle, Albert Jones, Stacey Roca, Michael Cerveris, Lauren Glazier, and Sierra McClain.

Fincher returns to direct episodes (including the season two premiere on August 16), with director Andrew Dominik (Killing Them Softly, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) and Carl Franklin (The Leftovers, House of Cards) directing episodes as well.

Mindhunter season 2 returns on August 16.

Featured image: Holden Ford (Jonathan Groff) and Bill Tench (Holt McCallany) in Mindhunters. Courtesy Netflix


Bryan Abrams

Bryan Abrams is the Editor-in-chief of The Credits. He's run the site since its launch in 2012. He lives in New York.