Venom is all of us in This Deleted Scene

Sony’s Venom might have been one of the year’s surprise hits (a surprise only in how well it’s done overseas, with folks in China absolutely devouring the film), but there are plenty of fairly obvious reasons why people flocked to the theater to catch Spider-Man’s sometime nemesis, sometime collaborator on the big screen. One is you’ve got one of Marvel’s most disgustingly intriguing anti-heroes in Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy)’s reporter-turned-alien-symbiote, a superhero with a really bad disposition and a propensity to take the most extreme measure possible. Another is the fact that director Ruben Fleischer‘s film didn’t shy away from the fact that while Venom might not be a good boy, he does act out in ways that make a lot of sense. There’s the obvious stuff, like Venom taking on (and taking out) bad guys left and right, but in this recently released deleted scene, we see our tortured superhero do something we’ve all dreamt of—totaling a car because of it’s ruinously annoying and unending car alarm.

Here is Venom, living our dreams:

Sony released this deleted scene ahead of Venom’s digital download release today, December 11, and Blu-ray on December 18, both of which will be chock-a-block with deleted scenes, director commentary, bloopers and more. This deleted scene highlights one of Venom’s most relatable attributes; he gets super annoyed at stuff, especially loud noise. Venom—he’s just like us! Early on the film when Brock was first feeling the effects of his union with the alien symbiote, he had to pay a visit to his neighbor to ask him to turn down the music. The car alarm scene didn’t make the final cut, but it speaks to how sensitive Venom is to noise, and how it’s best to be very, very quiet when dealing with him. He’s a bit like an alien Hulk, only with sharper teeth, a longer tongue and the ability to shoot gooey tendrils out of his body. Okay, he’s really nothing like Hulk, save for his immense strength and rage.

You can download Venom today, and scoop up the Blu-ray next Tuesday.

Featured image: Venom (2018). Courtesy Sony Pictures


The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.