Harrison Ford Crashed an Interview to Share His Thoughts on Solo: A Star Wars Story

We would have a lot more trouble getting any work done if we knew that Harrison Ford was watching our every move. Solo: A Star Wars Story actor, Alden Ehrenreich, could now reasonably expect the Hollywood legend to show up at his workplace at any time. Ehrenreich is taking over the role of the galaxy’s most famous smuggler, Han Solo. While out on a press junket for the film, opening this Friday, a surprise guest dropped in on the interview.

The official Star Wars Twitter posted a candid video of the prank in which Ford tried to boot Ehrenreich from the interview chair. The young Solo was more than happy to oblige. Ehrenreich let an expletive fly in his surprise and was clearly as starry eyed as one would be to have Harrison Ford sneak up behind them. Ford played up his gruff persona, but the men were quickly laughing and sharing mutual admiration with director Ron Howard.

The interview was for Entertainment Tonight, who posted the aftermath of the surprise. Ford ultimately let Ehrenreich return to his seat and joined the interview. The most exciting part of the unexpected drop in may have been Ford’s endorsement for Ehrenreich’s performance. The interviewer asked what he thought and Ford sang Ehrenreich’s praises.

“I just thought it was spectacular,” Ford glowed like a proud father. “I thought he was so smart about what he did and how he did it. I just couldn’t be happier.”

Ehrenreich was speechless only to say that hearing those words from the icon was “pretty unbelievable.”

Star Wars also Tweeted out two photos of the pair. Ford appeared to be dishing some advice and the pics were captioned, “Remember to never let them tell you the odds.” The quote was a double nod to Solo’s risk taking personality and the path that led Ehrenreich to the newest Star Wars star. Pass the Kleenex.

The Force Awakens sealed Solo’s fate, so we know that his legacy will only be continued through Ehrenreich’s performance. Nothing could be better than getting Ford’s seal of approval to carry the baton.

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters this Friday.

Featured Image: Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.


Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.