The Solo: A Star Wars Story Soundtrack Name Checks Several Franchise Icons

‘The Imperial March,’ ‘Battle of the Heroes,’ and ‘Lando’s Closet’ are all beloved classics of the Star Wars canon. Or at least they’re about to be. Those first two are familiar John Williams compositions, but the last is a real song title from the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story soundtrack. Composer John Powell shared the full song list from the film today on Facebook, and it is all very exciting.

The titles suggest a mix of adventure, hijinks, and Han’s trademark smarmy personality. The first category probably lends itself to more of the film’s major plot points. Titles like ‘Train Heist,’ ‘Marauders Arrive’, ‘Mine Mission’, and ‘Break Out’ and imply high action. Marauders likely refers to Beckett’s (Woody Harrelson) crew filled with rogues and thieves. The ‘Mine Mission’ seems like it might be the first time we see the group on a job together. Something must go wrong, because the very next thing they have to do is ‘Break Out.’

‘Is this Seat Taken?’ track 9 asks. This song likely marks the titular Sabaac game between Han and Lando. Our theory is bolstered by ‘L3 & Millenium Falcon’ being the song that immediately follows. The Falcon is, of course, the prize Han picks up from the gamble.

One of most thrilling sequences in the trailers has been the train heist, but the corresponding song is listed as a mere track 6. This could be a red herring, but that implies it is not the high point of the film. Track 17 is more likely to be the film’s climax titled ‘Savareen Stand-Off.’

There are also references to several of the film’s characters including ‘Meet Han,’ ‘Flying with Chewie,’ and the instant classic ‘Lando’s Closet.’ John Williams did pitch in to compose and conduct the opening sequence, and likely theme son, ‘The Adventures of Han.’

Williams previously penned ‘Lando’s Palace’ and ‘Han Solo and the Princess’ for The Empire Strikes Back. Is the palace where Lando keeps his closet of capes? We’re breathless.

Nothing on Powell’s track is quite as literal as ‘Ben’s Death and TIE Fighter Attack’ from A New Hope, but it does give us a scope of the film’s tone. If the track list is any indication, there will be plenty of conflict, camaraderie and nostalgia.

Solo: A Star Wars Story opens May 25.

Featured Image: Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo and Joonas Suotamo is Chewbacca in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.


Kelle Long

Kelle has written about film and TV for The Credits since 2016. Follow her on Twitter @molaitdc for interviews with really cool film and TV artists and only occasional outbursts about Broadway, tennis, and country music. Please no talking or texting during the movie. Unless it is a musical, then sing along loudly.