There is Only Fast and Slow in Thrilling new Race Trailer

“Out there, there ain’t no black and white, there’s only fast and slow. Nothing matters, not color, not money, not even hate. For those 10 seconds you are completely – free,” says Jesse Owens (Stephan James), the subject of Stephen Hopkins' biopic Race. James was memorable as the young John Lewis in Selma. Here, playing another transformative 20th century figure, he'll be unforgettable.

On Tuesday Focus Features released a 15-second teaser trailer – shorter than the race that made him a legend and discredited Hitler’s vision of Aryan supremacy. Yesterday they shared the first full length trailer for one of most inspirational stories of the 20th century.

Owens won a record-breaking four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games. Only a year before, he sethe set three world records and tied another at the 1935 Big Ten track meet—in less than an hour. It's considered “the greatest 45 minutes ever in sports.” But Owens performance at the Berlin Olympics was bigger than any medal. It came at a time when “The American people need (ed) champions to remind them what they are capable of.” Owens, an African American, was that that champion.

The trailer follows Owens’ journey to become one of the greatest track-and-field athletes of all time, showcasing his personal struggle in deciding whether he should even participate in the controversial Games in light of the racism and oppression in Nazi Germany and at home.

Race is the first feature length film about Jessie Owens authorized by the Owens family, the Jesse Owens Foundation, the Jesse Owens Trust and the Luminary Group – a licensing and intellectual property management company that represents the estates of well know figures including Babe Ruth, Vince Lombardi, Owens, Cy Young, Buddy Holly, Honus Wagner, Satchel Paige, and Bob Denver.

Race is directed by Stephen Hopkins. In addition to Stephan James, it stars Jason Sudeikis, William Hurt, Jeremy Irons, and Carice van Houten.

Race will be in theaters on February 19, 2016.

Facebook: Stephan James plays Jesse Owens in 'Race.' Courtesy Focus Features