Who is Noami Ackie’s Jannah in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker?
Talk about a hero shot. This new image of Naomie Ackie’s Jannah, who has a significant role in J.J. Abrams Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is, in a word, commanding. What we know about Jannah could maybe fill a thimble. Ackie was on hand at the recent Star Wars Celebration in Chicago, where moderator Stephen Colbert asked her to verify or deny a rumor that Jannah was the daughter of Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams). Ackie’s nonanswer would make Lando himself proud: “Listen, Lando is a charming man, so he could have children all over the universe.”
The above image and this one she posted to Instagram from Annie Leibovitz’s Vanity Fair spread are basically all we have to go on. She’s clearly a part of the Resistance, as well as a commanding presence who seems prepared to do whatever it takes. Here she is alongside Finn (John Boyega) atop a horse-like creature called an orbak. Jannah looks like she’s as adept with a crossbow as Chewie:
When we were breaking down the new Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker teaser released during Disney’s D23 Expo, we were looking for shots of Jannah and the other newcomers, like Kerri Russell’s Zorii Bliss, but the new footage took up less than a minute and the new faces were left out. The rumors about Jannah being Lando’s daughter are not totally out of left field, considering Lando is returning, but even if those are true it doesn’t tell us that much about her. What we do know is Ackie’s mysterious character looks tough and ready to kick some fascist First Order butt.
Disney also revealed another new image of Finn on the planet of Pasaana. In the new teaser, we saw our heroes gathered above a massive outdoor market on this new planet. Of course, we have no idea why they’re there or what they’re looking for, but the fact that all our favorite Resistance fighters (save General Organa) are there means it’s an important location. What might Finn, Rey (Daisy Ridley), Poe (Oscar Isaac), Chewie (Joonas Suotamo), C-3P0 (Anthony Daniels), BB-8, D-O be looking for?

As we inch closer to The Rise of Skywalker‘s December 20 premiere date, perhaps we’ll learn more about Ackie’s newcomer in a final trailer. Our guess, however, is she’ll remain more or less a mystery until the iconic opening crawl begins and the 9th and final film in the Skywalker Saga is underway.
Featured image: Naomi Ackie is Jannah in STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. Courtesy Lucasfilm/Walt Disney Studios