Who is Truly Featured in this Suspiria Poster?
If the eyes are the window to the soul, do these eyes reveal the soul of Lutz Ebersdorf or Tilda Swinton? Suspiria has released a character poster of Ebersdorf, a novice actor, as Dr. Jozef Klemperer. Yet, why is his initial foray into filmmaking so mysterious? The poster is actually an incredible image and is interesting in itself. However, the unknown actor is rumored to be Tilda Swinton in prosthetics.

The Doctor Strange actress is credited in the film as Madame Blanc, the mysterious art director of a dance school at the center of a strange and terrible force. Dakota Johnson (50 Shades of Grey) also stars as Madame Blanc’s young protégé who is dedicated to her art. The role of Dr. Klemperer completes the trifecta of terror. Klemperer is heavily featured in the trailer and presumably plays a critical role.
Although this isn’t our first look at the character, it is our best opportunity yet to study his face. If the actor in question is wearing prosthetics, we’ll pick up no clues there. The makeup design appears flawless and convincing. However, the squint, posture, and position of the mouth do whisper an essence of Swinton. The actress has a distinct and striking look but can also be something of a chameleon. If she does play the double role, however, this would be her biggest transformation yet.

Ebersdorf’s IMDb indicates he is an 82-year-old German actor with no previous credits. His page even features a super adorable candid. In fact, he has a different look sporting a salt and pepper mustache. What a commitment. His IMDb bio is fascinating and reveals he shares a lot in common with his character. A psychoanalyst specializing in “mother-daughter relationships,” he reportedly performed in previous short films that were conveniently lost.
If Swinton does double in the role, what kind of purpose will that serve the plot? Klemperer is a unique role that did not appear in Dario Argento’s original, although there was a psychologist character named Dr. Mandel. Regardless, there is something truly captivating about the poster. Klemperer has a definite presence that is intriguing and adds a layer to the mysterious film.
Suspiria opens October 26.
Featured Image: Tilda Swinton as Madam Blanc stars in Suspiria. Alessio Bolzoni/Amazon Studios. Courtesy of Amazon Studios