Eddie Brock Probes Dr. Drake About the Life Foundation’s Ethics in First Venom Clip
As we wrote earlier today, IGN went on the set of Venom to find out the answers to some of our most burning questions. How did the VFX team transform Tom Hardy into the tentacled creature? How do the symbiotes get to our planet? And possibly most interestingly, what is the deal with the Life Foundation? Turns out, the saintly scientists aren’t what they seem. They are the culprits behind harvesting alien life forms and are covering up some more sinister activities. Now, we see our first clip of Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) digging into their suspicious activities.
Production designer Oliver Scholl explained to IGN, “The fun thing about the Life Foundation is that it’s a cover. Character-wise, it’s a cover. The company itself is supposed to be this beautiful, perfect scientific endeavor for all mankind, while actually, it’s just the dark cover-up for doing scientific experiments that are going a bit too far, and using people for things that are non-ethical. And besides that, being treasonous, teaming up with aliens to take over Earth. So, that’s not really healthy.”
Knowing that piece of the puzzle, it rings hollow when Dr. Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed) tries to sell Hardy some idealistic talking points. “I’ve always believed space exploration is crucial in our quest to cure everything that ails us here on Earth,” he tells Brock in an interview, but the hardnosed reporter is not biting. There appear to be some serious allegations floating around that involve test subjects at the foundation dying during experiments.

Brock appears to get a little too close to the truth, which can be dangerous. The interview is immediately shut down and Brock escorted out, but that is unlikely to be the last time Dr. Drake and Brock meet. The two eventually cross paths again and this time, Brock is in the hot seat. Ask questions around here, and you might end up becoming the experiment.
Venom premieres October 5.
Featured Image: Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is Venom. Courtesy Sony Pictures.