Star Wars: The Last Jedi‘s Porgs Make Their Animated Debut
There are some Star Wars creations that are so obviously adorable you almost want to resist loving them. We love the story about how J.J. Abrams first conceived of BB-8 as a soccer ball shaped droid with a drawing on a napkin, and sure enough, BB-8 became a near instant star once The Force Awakens premiered. This is why we were impressed with Rogue One’s resident droid, Alan Tudyk’s K-2SO, which was designed to be unlovable (but ended up being a fan favorite anyway).
In Rian Johnson’s upcoming The Last Jedi, no creature we’ve seen thus far will be able to compete in adorability with the Porgs, the small, furry alien race that lives on Ahch-To, the planet Luke’s been hiding on. Based off the real life puffins that populate the island of Skellig Michael, where the Ahch-To scene were shot, the Porgs seem lab created to be lovable. Now, the Star Wars YouTube channel has delivered on the already building love for these mischievous little aliens with this new animated video. Ever since we first glimpsed them in this fantastic behind-the-scenes sizzle reel, the Porgs have become a clear marketing tool for Lucasfilm and Disney. It’s hard to blame them—they’re irrefutably cute—but our guess is that like BB-8 before them, Johnson imagined them into being to do more than just warm our hearts.