The Best Line in the Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Was Written by a Make-A-Wish Kid

This gave us a lump in the throat. Entertainment Weekly published this story during Comic-Con about Thor: Ragnarokand there was a detail about how the best line in record-setting first trailer wasn’t in the script, or improvised by any of the actors, it was suggested by a young kid from the Make-a-Wish foundation who was on set that day. 

The line in question happens at the 1:36 moment in the teaser trailer, when Thor sees Hulk, in full gladiator gear, explode into the arena, and instead of showing any concern he screams in excitement:

“We know each other! He’s a friend from work!” This is an unexpected and wonderful line, but as Hemsworth told EW, it was the young kid from Make-A-Wish who suggested it. 

This is a touching, lovely story, and it’s also in keeping with director Taika Waititi’s love of improvisation (he told MTV News that about 80% of the film was improvised), and sometimes that might mean a brilliant line proffered by a child who happens to be visiting set that day. 

Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3, 2017.

Featured image: Hulk in Thor: Ragnarok. Courtesy Marvel/Walt Disney.


The Credits

The Credits is an online magazine that tells the story behind the story to celebrate our large and diverse creative community. Focusing on profiles of below-the-line filmmakers, The Credits celebrates the often uncelebrated individuals who are indispensable to the films and TV shows we love.