Marilyn Gordon
Marilyn Gordon began at the Motion Picture Association in 1985. Marilyn is the Executive Vice President & Chair, Advertising Administration, and Vice Chair, Classification and Rating Administration, and is responsible for the review of all advertising and publicity materials created for motion pictures submitted for a rating, prior to their use and distribution to the general public. As EVP, she enforces the advertising standards and is held accountable for a fair review of all materials submitted by member companies and independent distributors. Marilyn’s role necessitates the constant monitoring of current events, trends, and sensitivities, and must be in touch with how consumers will react to advertising in the marketplace, especially as directed to children. As appropriate, she formulates new guidelines, in order to protect both the organization’s constituency and the general public. Marilyn reports directly to the Chairman and CEO, Ambassador Charles Rivkin.
Marilyn joined the MPA as Assistant to the Director of Advertising Administration, and has been promoted many times throughout her MPA tenure. Prior to joining the MPA, Marilyn was Circulation Manager for an educational magazine The American School Board Journal in Chicago, Illinois.
Marilyn attended David Myers University in Ohio and majored in marketing; she currently holds Academy of Motion Picture membership, in the Public Relations Branch.